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Frivi makes it easy to organize groups, events, bookings, communication and collaboration whether in a company, a voluntary organization or a small group.

Easy registration

All users could register an organization or a private group.

Officially registered organizations could find their organizations by organization number. Users could join an organization or a group by selecting from the list or using a link.

How it works

Collaboration and communication is easier now

Create Profile

Sign up easily with your e-mail and set your own password

Register organization

Register your organization or groups and enjoy collaboration

Invite users

User could find your registered organization or you can send a link


Organize users as leaders, members or guests and have different groups

Let FRIVI organize it!

  • Register your organization or groups and enjoy collaboration
  • Get an overview of events and attendance
  • List available areas and rooms for booking
  • Organize documents and publish FAQ or principles for your organization
  • Appoint users as leaders, members or guests and have different groups
  • Get an overview of working times in your organization
  • Create channels to reach more than one user



Be a guest, member or leader in an organization


Get an overview of events and send attendance


Send messages to other members

Time registration

Keep track of your working time in organizations


Stay up to date with announcements


Book a available room online in your organization

QR-code scanner

Scan QR-code for check-in og check-out


Reach uploaded documents in your organization

Get Frivi

Just download Frivi app and begin to use functions free

Frivi app can be downloaded from Apple Store and Google Play.

It is all free to download and add an organization.

Download and give a chance to your new collaboration tool.